CAFO provisions of Polk County Comprehensive Land Use Ordinance
Section 10.2-Article 2 Definitions
“ANIMAL LOT” means a feedlot, barnyard or other outdoor facility where livestock are concentrated for feeding or other purposes. “Animal lot” does not include a pasture or winter grazing area.
“ANIMAL UNIT” means a unit of measure used to determine the total number of single animal types or combination of animal types, as specified in s. NR 243.11 and NR 243.05, that are at an animal feeding operation.
swine feeding operation with 1000 animal units or more.
Section 10.4.6 AGRICULTURAL 20 DISTRICT (A-2)
1) All Conditional Uses in A-1
2) Swine Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation provided they comply with the following criteria:
a. Must have a Nutrient Management Plan for all lands in total farming operation
b. Farm entrance must be at least 100 feet from a nonfarm residential driveway
c. Operation must comply with all other state and federal regulations pertaining to livestock facilities.
d. Must obtain approval from Town prior to hauling of any overweight
loads during spring break up period. (road ban period)
e. Shall have no discharge from animal lots, high moisture feed
storage, or waste storage areas into navigable waters or mapped wetlands
f. All waste storage structures, including manure storage, shall be at least 100 feet from the nearest property line.
g. All livestock on premise shall be counted towards total animal units.
h. The perimeter of any facility, including all buildings housing livestock and feed storage, with less than 1000 animal units shall have a minimum setback of 75 feet to the nearest property line.
i. The perimeter of any facility, including all buildings housing livestock and feed storage, with 1000 animal units or more, shall have a minimum setback of 150 feet from the nearest property line.
j. Must provide 24 hour contact number for DNR and owner/operator in
case of a spill.
k. Must Provide a mortality management plan for any deceased animals onsite
l. Polk County Land Information Department and Land and Water Resources Department shall receive a copy of all current DNR and DATCP permits and/or violations.
m. Must comply with Polk County Manure and Water Quality Management Ordinance.
n. In the event of a suspect, probable or confirmed human health or other public health hazard, a referral will be made to Polk County Public Health and appropriate follow-up will occur based on public health statutory requirements
Proposed Amendments to Polk County Shoreland Protection Zoning Ordinance
Article 4: Definitions
“ANIMAL LOT” means a feedlot, barnyard or other outdoor facility where livestock are concentrated for feeding or other purposes. “Animal lot” does not include a pasture or winter grazing area.
“ANIMAL UNIT” means a unit of measure used to determine the total number of single animal types or combination of animal types, as specified in s. NR 243.11 and NR 243.05, that are at an animal feeding operation.
swine feeding operation with 1000 animal units or more.
Article 8.E.
CONDITIONAL USES -The following uses are authorized upon the issuance of a conditional use permit according to the procedure set forth in Article 18. Unless a greater distance is specified, any structure shall be at least 100 feet from a
residence other than that of the owner of the lot, his/her agent, or employee; 75 feet from a residential property line; or 25 feet from a lot line. Erosion control plans and storm water management plans shall be required.
1) Swine Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation provided they comply with the following criteria:
a. Must have a Nutrient Management Plan for all lands in total farming operation
b. Farm entrance must be at least 100 feet from a nonfarm residential driveway
c. Operation must comply with all other state and federal regulations pertaining to livestock facilities.
d. Must obtain approval from Town prior to hauling of any overweight
loads during spring break up period. (road ban period)
e. Shall have no discharge from animal lots, high moisture feed
storage, or waste storage areas into navigable waters or mapped wetlands
f. All waste storage structures, including manure storage, shall be at least 100 feet from the nearest property line.
g. All livestock on premise shall be counted towards total animal units.
h. The perimeter of any facility, including all buildings housing livestock and feed storage, with less than 1000 animal units shall have a minimum setback of 75 feet to the nearest property line.
i. The perimeter of any facility, including all buildings housing livestock and feed storage, with 1000 animal units or more, shall have a minimum setback of 150 feet from the nearest property line.
j. Must provide 24 hour contact number for DNR and owner/operator in
case of a spill.
k. Must Provide a mortality management plan for any deceased animals onsite
l. Polk County Land Information Department and Land and Water Resources Department shall receive a copy of all current DNR and DATCP permits and/or violations.
m. Must comply with Polk County Manure and Water Quality Management Ordinance.
n. In the event of a suspect, probable or confirmed human health or other public health hazard, a referral will be made to Polk County Public Health and appropriate follow-up will occur based on public health statutory requirements