Cumberland LLC CAFO Permit

Cumberland Identifies New Hog Manure Dumping Fields

Last month Cumberland LLC refiled its WPDES application with the Wisconsin DNR. Once again, Cumberland LLC is asking to locate an industrial hog farm in Trade Lake, Wisconsin.  In its application, Cumberland LLC identifies properties on which it intends to dump millions of gallons of hog manure every year. has discovered that the owners of some of the properties identified in the application were never contacted by Cumberland LLC and will not consent to accept Cumberland LLCs waste manure.  This is important because Cumberland LLC needs to establish that it has sufficient dumping grounds for the millions of gallons of manure it will generate every year.   If you would like to see whether Cumberland LLC included your property or property belonging to your neighbors, friends or relatives in its application CLICK HERE for a list of the land identified in the application.


Below is all the information related to the Cumberland LLC CAFO Permit on the DNR website.

DNR Website Link – Cumberland LLC CAFO Permit Application and Related Documents

Cumberland LLC is a proposed swine Concentrated Animal Feeding Operation (CAFO) to be located in Burnett County. The proposed operation submitted a final application for coverage under a water quality protection permit for CAFOs issued by the DNR known as a Wisconsin Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (WPDES) permit. CAFO WPDES permits are water quality protection permits designed to ensure proper storage and handling of manure from larger-scale livestock operations. The WPDES permit program does not have authority to address odor, noise, traffic or other issues not related to water quality.

Below are all the documents filed by Cumberland LLC CAFO in its most recent permit application. There are PDFs of spreading fields, soil tests, and names listed on the application that need to be verified. We welcome your review, criticisms, comments and questions regarding this CAFO permit application.

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View information submitted to date related to the WPDES permit application for Cumberland LLC.

Cumberland LLC Spreading Fields List


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